Fixing The Money Thing

Fixing The Money Thing

Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-designed purpose.

Fixing The Money Thing
  • Financial Update, Part One

    Financial problems are a slow death. It’s time for you to get free! How do you do that? Join Gary Keesee for part one of this financial update as he talks about getting out of a survival mentality and into a Kingdom one.

  • 2021 Financial Update, Part Two

    The average family CAN be out of debt with the resources they already have. Would you like to know how? Gary Keesee discusses this as well as shares an inspiring story to show you how being financially free is possible if you know how the Kingdom operates.

  • 2022 Financial Update, Part One

    America is the land of the free, but are you free financially? Join Gary Keesee for this episode and find out what causes more than 71% of Americans stress each month—and what you can do to change the way you think about money.

  • 2022 Financial Update, Part Two

    How do we cope with a declining financial economy? Join Gary Keesee for this powerful episode. He shares an inspiring video that shows that you can be financially free if you lean on God as your source and not the world.

  • Financial Update: Are We Facing Economic Collapse? Part One

    Are we headed for the biggest crash since 2008? Is Wall Street bound to crumble? Is this all by design? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee and special guest Jay Plourde, Wall Street banker and stockbroker, for this special episode to find the answers on whether or not the economy is facing a crisis.

  • Financial Update: Are We Facing Economic Collapse? Part Two

    Banks closing and businesses failing have many people fearing an economic crash. Should you be worried? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee and special guest Jay Plourde, Wall Street banker and stockbroker, for this special episode as they continue to take a deep dive into whether or not the economy is f...

  • Financial Update: What Should I Do With My Money?

    Is America on the verge of a financial crisis? Is your money safe? Join Gary Keesee for this crucial financial update as he discusses how you can keep your money safe in the rapidly declining economy as well as what we can expect in our economy for years to come.

  • Attitudes for a Good Life: Blessed Are the Meek

    Being meek does not mean that you’re weak. What does it really mean? Join Gary Keesee for this inspiring episode as he dives into what it looks like to be meek and how you can adopt this attitude in your own life—so you can embrace God’s calling for you.

  • Attitudes for a Good Life: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

    It’s never too late for you in the Kingdom. Join Gary Keesee for this episode as he challenges you to step out of your grave clothes and to put on the clothes of righteousness—so you can walk in the answers God has prepared for you.

  • Attitudes for a Good Life: Blessed Are the Peacemakers

    Your good life starts with an attitude shift! What does that look like? Join Gary Keesee for this powerful episode as he explains what being a peacemaker really is and how you can walk in peace while also defending God’s Word in your everyday life.

  • Attitudes for a Good Life: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

    There is an answer for being poor in spirit. What is it? Join Gary Keesee for this episode as he talks about what being poor in spirit really means, and how we need to understand it in order to change our attitude—so we can make progress in the Kingdom.

  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest

    God didn’t create you to just survive—living from paycheck to paycheck. He created you to thrive, to live in His favor, to live a life of rest—where your needs are met. And the best part is you don’t have to work more hours to accomplish it. Join Gary Keesee for this message on The Power of Rest ...

  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest, Part Two

    Are you trapped in certain ways of thinking? Constantly trying to work to get what God has for you rather than resting in Him? How do you retrain yourself? Gary Keesee shares how not to miss receiving all that God has for you in part two of The Power of Rest.

  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest, Part Three

    We’re all born with a survival mindset. How do we change that way of thinking so we can access the rest God has already provided for us? Find out in this innovative and exciting episode of Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee. Learn more about how to have God’s provision lead you in life, so y...

  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest, Part Four

    Are you constantly in work mode in order to provide for your needs? God created you to live a life of rest where your needs are met. Join Gary Keesee for this impactful episode about The Power of Rest! He digs deeper into this as well as into how resting and restoration through Jesus Christ can h...

  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest, Part Five

    Being born again means you have access to all the Kingdom has to offer. Gary Keesee expounds upon this in Part 5 of The Power of Rest series as well as how to understand all God has given us and the importance of receiving revelation through Jesus!

  • Occupy, Part One

    Sixty-five percent of new businesses fail within the first ten years. Do you want to beat the odds? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this important episode as they talk about how your business can succeed and what it looks like to occupy and take territory for the Kingdom of God.

  • Occupy, Part Two

    Are you ready to occupy? What is occupying? How do you occupy? Join Gary Keesee as he explains what occupying is, what it looks like, and how it can ultimately help you advance the Kingdom of God.

  • Occupy, Part Three

    Light stands out in the kingdom of darkness. Are you ready to be the light? Join Gary Keesee for this powerful episode as he explains your God-given authority in the Kingdom and how you can use it to occupy.

  • Occupy, Part Four

    When we speak, heaven backs us up. What does that mean? Join Gary Keesee for this crucial episode as he dives deeper into what walking in your God-given authority looks like and how you can be confident in knowing that heaven is on your side.

  • Occupy, Part Five

    You need to understand the basics of the Kingdom so you can know how to occupy the Kingdom of God. Join Gary Keesee for this powerful episode as he explains the importance of knowing who you are in the Kingdom, so you can go out in confidence and are able to do all that God has prepared for you.

  • Occupy, Part Six

    Financial stress can occupy your time, thoughts, mood, sleep, and relationships. It’s time to stand your ground, set yourself apart, and occupy the things of God! How do you do that? Join Gary Keesee for this crucial episode as he talks about how to organize your occupation, so you can get out fr...

  • Occupy, Part Seven

    You don’t know what you don’t know. God knows where you’re headed. Are you willing to trust Him? Join Gary Keesee for this powerful episode as he talks about leaning into and trusting God regardless of what your situation looks like.

  • Occupy, Part Eight

    Don’t let the enemy sit in your seat. You must know who you are in the Kingdom of God before you can take on the assignment of occupying. Are you ready to learn? Join Gary Keesee for this key episode as he talks about how to occupy your finances so you can kick the enemy out of them and live a Ki...