Fixing The Money Thing

Fixing The Money Thing

5 Seasons

Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-designed purpose.

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Fixing The Money Thing
  • The Mystery of Marriage, Part Four

    Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. He created marriage to be good. But we live in the earth curse system where there are all kinds of pressures and things that try to come against us and our marriages. So how do you deal with the pressures? How do you do life after the honeymoon...

  • The Mystery of Marriage, Part Three

    What do you know about marriage? What is normal? What is healthy? What was God’s plan for marriage? Has that changed? Get the answers to these questions and more when you join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this episode. Discover how to tap into the mystery of marriage and walk in power together.

  • The Mystery of Marriage, Part Two

    Episode 17

    You and your spouse were created to complete each other. You are a team and were not made to compete with but to complete each other. But how do you do that? How do you make your marriage a safe harbor? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for part two of this series and discover the mystery of language i...

  • The Mystery of Marriage, Part One

    Episode 16

    If you’re married, know this: God put giftings, talents, and a personality in each of you that—when paired as husband and wife—will help you get to the destination He has for you. When we learn to honor each other and speak each other’s language, God can do amazing things. So where do you start? ...

  • Life on Purpose, Part Five

    Episode 15

    Most people want to live a life of purpose, but most people don’t live life ON purpose. They wake up each day hoping for good things to happen, but most good things don’t just happen by accident. Life is a compilation of thousands of decisions. So, how do you know if you’re making the right ones?...

  • Life on Purpose, Part Four

    Episode 14

    If you want to live a life OF purpose, you have to live life ON purpose. That means making decisions each day as to how you’ll live, where you’re going to invest your time, what you’re going to feed on, what you’re going to look upon, and what you’re going to grow into. How can you make sure you’...

  • Life on Purpose, Part Three

    Episode 13

    Living a life that is pleasing to God is ultimately a life of purpose. God wants to move in your life. He wants to move on your behalf. How can you make sure you’re living a life that is pleasing to Him? How can you make sure you’re in tune with Him? Join Faith Life Church’s Executive Pastor Tim ...

  • Life on Purpose, Part Two

    Episode 12

    Many times, people put the cart before the horse and want to live lives OF purpose, but they’re not living life ON purpose. But we can’t jump to the end result. We can’t skip steps. We have to be intentional on a daily basis to move toward the lives we want to live. Join Gary and Drenda Keesee’s ...

  • Life on Purpose, Part One

    Episode 11

    Do you know why you were put on this earth? If you can’t answer that question, you’re not alone. Would you like to be able to answer that question easily—and with confidence? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee and special guests Tim and Alecia Keesee, Executive Pastors of Faith Life Church, and discover...

  • Taking Territory, Part Five

    Episode 10

    Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-...

  • Taking Territory, Part Four

    Episode 9

    Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-...

  • Taking Territory, Part Three

    Episode 8

    Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-...

  • Taking Territory, Part Two

    Episode 7

    Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-...

  • Taking Territory, Part One

    Episode 6

    Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-...

  • Never Give Up, Part Five

    Episode 5

    Being a Christian doesn’t mean you will never have trouble; it just means you have victory over the trouble! How can you avoid developing a victim mentality? How can you stay free and walk in power? Join Drenda Keesee for this powerful message and learn how to stay planted so you can experience r...

  • Never Give Up, Part Four

    Episode 4

    We all want this year to be better than our last. But how can you see that happen? How can you see things change? Join Gary Keesee for part four of this powerful new series and discover how every area of your life can be changed by the power and promises of the Kingdom of God.

  • Never Give Up, Part Three

    Episode 3

    What are your dreams for your life? What are your expectations for your year? Now is the time to step into it. How? Join special guest Tim Keesee, Executive Pastor of Faith Life Church, for part three of this powerful new series and learn the proven principles you need to know to help you make th...

  • Never Give Up, Part Two

    Episode 2

    Are you ready to discover the Kingdom principles that will make this your best year yet? Your life can be transformed. Get challenged to step out and become a spiritual scientist as you join Gary Keesee for part two of this powerful new series that will inspire you and help you see the evidence o...

  • Never Give Up, Part One

    Episode 1

    What do you want to see changed in your life in the next year? Know this: It CAN change. You can see the promises of God manifested in your own life. Join Gary Keesee for part one of this powerful new series packed full of real, incredible stories of lives changed that will encourage you and buil...