

70 Episodes

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  • John and Judy - Looking for Change / Leaning into It

    Episode 1

    Being to the point that they were stripping copper to try and make a few extra dollars, John and Judy knew this was not how they wanted to live the rest of their lives. They wanted things to change. Listen to their testimony as John and his wife, Judy, talk about how they knew God had more for th...

  • Jay and Merinda Eaton - Building Faith, Baby Story

    Episode 2

    Overcoming a miscarriage, they knew that God was going to return joy to their lives. Jay and Merinda learned how to have a real relationship with God and how to build their faith in order to step into believing for another child. After finding out that they were pregnant, they had to lean on God ...

  • Paul and Michelle - Overcoming the Fear of the Diagnosis: Fully Persuaded

    Episode 3

    Receiving a phone call from her hospital after a mammogram, Michelle knew she had a choice to make: would she be in fear or faith? Michelle chose faith. Listen to this story where Michelle and Paul talk about their journey of walking out what they believe and standing on God instead of on feelings.

  • Keith Faulker - Radically Changed / Free from Condemnation

    Episode 4

    Dealing with and living the homosexual lifestyle off and on, Keith knew Jesus but didn’t know how to have a relationship with him. Struggling with not knowing how to break the cycle, Keith stopped going to church and gave up on God. Keith was diagnosed with HIV and knew that he had a choice to ma...

  • Eddie and Amy Lewinter - No Longer Slaves

    Episode 5

    Wanting to be free from alcohol and drugs, both Eddie and Amy learned their identity in Christ and that they represent God. They both got set free from alcoholism, started to get their lives back on track, and to live the Kingdom lifestyle. Listen as Eddie and Amy share their Kingdom journey of g...

  • Kim Eggert - It’s Really That Simple

    Episode 6

    Kim got to the point where she was completely disenchanted with her life, she felt defeated, and like she wanted to give up. She cried out to God and then came across Gary Keesee. She had her eyes opened to the idea of how the Kingdom operates when you have a real relationship with God. Listen to...

  • Corey and Kristin Busse - Sowing into the Kingdom

    Episode 7

    Owning a tree business that never made more than $10,000 a month was really discouraging. After attending a business conference where Pastor Gary was a guest speaker, they felt led to sow a seed. Listen as Corey and Kristin share their journey of sowing and reaping in the Kingdom.

  • Henry and Shekia Cheeks - The Power of the Promise

    Episode 8

    In 2011, Henry and Shekia started believing God for a son. Standing on the promises in the Bible, they knew that they KNEW God would provide for them. Regardless of what the reports said and their feelings, they kept Christ as the center. Listen to this powerful testimony of how God’s promises st...

  • Taylor and Kate Graffeo - Your inheritance in Christ

    Episode 9

    Growing up in a religious setting, Kate didn’t know how to understand what her inheritance in Christ was. She had to break off the baggage from living in religion, and the Freedom Groups at Faith Life Church helped her and her husband, Taylor, do just that. Listen in to their testimony about how ...

  • Shurrod and Joi Dickey - You Can’t Catch Halibut in a Bathtub

    Episode 10

    After resigning from his job, Shurrod and Joi were faced with the fact that they needed to figure out how God could be their source, not a job. They asked God to teach them about money. Listen in as they share their powerful testimony and how their life got flipped upside down after they learned ...

  • Kevin and Christy - Faith over Fear

    Episode 11

    Growing up in a world environment, church and money never went together to Kevin and Christy, until they knew something needed to change. They decided to press in to the Word of God and learn how faith, sowing, and reaping operated. Listen to this story as Kevin and Christy share how they went fr...

  • Rolland and Edna Arriaga - Overdrawn to Overflow

    Episode 12

    Toward the end before Rolland resigned from being in federal law, Rolland and his wife, Edna, felt like there was something more waiting for them. After a roller coaster of financial issues regarding their almost failed business, the Lord opened doors through His Kingdom principles. Listen in as ...

  • Hasina - God Did It Before, He Can Do It AGAIN

    Episode 13

    Walking out of a broken marriage in 2010, Hasina was left realizing she needed an understanding of who she was in Christ. Diving into the Word and allowing God to speak into her life, she became confident and strong in her faith, which led to restoration and healing in her life. Listen as she sha...

  • Consuelo - The Power of Change

    Episode 14

    After her husband passed, Consuelo realized she needed some change. After watching one of Pastor Gary’s messages about “getting up and going,” she decided to do just that. Using the teachings she has received, she talks about how much she feels she’s living life to the fullest now that she has co...

  • Phyllis - It’s NEVER Too Late

    Episode 15

    Living a life of working a “job that could kill her,” Phyllis began to think there was something better for her out there. She sowed her seed and had faith in God to supply her with a new job after getting let go indefinitely during the 2020 pandemic. Listen in as Phyllis shares how she got the j...

  • Mike and Nora - The Power of Faith

    Episode 16

    Moving to America with nothing but a few grand in their pocket, Mike and Nora weren’t sure how they were going to provide for their family and make ends meet. They came to Faith Life Church looking for spiritual food in order for them to grow in their faith, and that’s exactly what happened. List...

  • Micah and Brittany Crockett - Made Whole in Christ

    Episode 17

    Living life with on and off sickness, Brittany didn’t understand why her life was going this way, but it wasn’t how she wanted to continue to live. She knew that this was not what God had in store for her and this wasn’t a battle she could fight in the physical. Listen in as Brittany shares the p...

  • Dan and Shelley - The Power of a Double Portion

    Episode 18

    After listening to only 20 minutes of Gary Keesee’s teaching, Dan and Shelley knew they had so much more to learn about the Kingdom of God. They proceeded to dive into the Word and Pastor Gary’s teaching to help them understand how to navigate their business and get their finances in check. Liste...

  • Louise - From Poverty to Debt Free

    Episode 19

    Before coming across the ministry, Louise lived a life of poverty she thought she’d never break free from. After Louise and her husband had finally had enough of living in debt, they attended a class about Financial Freedom taught by Gary Keesee. This opened doors to things they had never thought...

  • Alfred and Cheri - Overcoming Alcoholism

    Episode 20

    Buying into alcoholism, Alfred thought that was just the way he was. After he had cried out to God and asked for help in the situation, he had gotten confirmation that he was heard, but nothing changed until they got to attend the Provision Conference a few weeks later. Listen in as Alfred and Ch...

  • Beth and Frank - Healing Is God’s Will

    Episode 21

    After Frank’s life-altering stage 4 laryngeal cancer diagnosis in 2020, Beth and Frank knew it was something they couldn’t fight in the natural. Beth had listened to Pastor Gary’s teaching on the power of a promise and knew that it was God’s will for Frank to be healed. Listen as they share their...

  • Kenneth and Monica - From Joining a Company to Owning It In Just 45 Days

    Episode 22

    In 2015, Kenneth and Monica returned home to Georgia after their real estate business took a turn for the worse. After finding Pastor Gary Keesee on television, they visited Faith Life Church and received a word from God, through Pastor Gary, about their next year in business. Listen as they talk...

  • Vince and Krystina - From Food Stamps to Freedom

    Episode 23

    Struggling with a poverty mindset, Krystina and Vince had no idea what God had in store for them regarding their finances. After coming to Faith Life Church, they began to dive deep into the Word and grow an understanding of tithing and faith in God. Listen in as they talk about their journey fro...

  • David and Aline - Living DEBT Free

    Episode 24

    With over a million dollars of debt, David and Aline had almost lost hope of ever actually living life again. Through seeing Gary Keesee on Sid Roth’s show, their eyes were opened to the possibility of living life DEBT free. After Aline had a vision from God, they followed through with what He sa...