

92 Episodes

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  • Louise - From Poverty to Debt Free

    Episode 1

    Before coming across the ministry, Louise lived a life of poverty she thought she’d never break free from. After Louise and her husband had finally had enough of living in debt, they attended a class about Financial Freedom taught by Gary Keesee. This opened doors to things they had never thought...

  • Alfred and Cheri - Overcoming Alcoholism

    Episode 2

    Buying into alcoholism, Alfred thought that was just the way he was. After he had cried out to God and asked for help in the situation, he had gotten confirmation that he was heard, but nothing changed until they got to attend the Provision Conference a few weeks later. Listen in as Alfred and Ch...

  • Beth and Frank - Healing Is God’s Will

    Episode 3

    After Frank’s life-altering stage 4 laryngeal cancer diagnosis in 2020, Beth and Frank knew it was something they couldn’t fight in the natural. Beth had listened to Pastor Gary’s teaching on the power of a promise and knew that it was God’s will for Frank to be healed. Listen as they share their...

  • Kenneth and Monica - From Joining a Company to Owning It In Just 45 Days

    Episode 4

    In 2015, Kenneth and Monica returned home to Georgia after their real estate business took a turn for the worse. After finding Pastor Gary Keesee on television, they visited Faith Life Church and received a word from God, through Pastor Gary, about their next year in business. Listen as they talk...

  • Vince and Krystina - From Food Stamps to Freedom

    Episode 5

    Struggling with a poverty mindset, Krystina and Vince had no idea what God had in store for them regarding their finances. After coming to Faith Life Church, they began to dive deep into the Word and grow an understanding of tithing and faith in God. Listen in as they talk about their journey fro...

  • David and Aline - Living DEBT Free

    Episode 6

    With over a million dollars of debt, David and Aline had almost lost hope of ever actually living life again. Through seeing Gary Keesee on Sid Roth’s show, their eyes were opened to the possibility of living life DEBT free. After Aline had a vision from God, they followed through with what He sa...

  • Amy Veno - Your Victory Is Coming

    Episode 7

    Trying and trying to have a baby, but to no avail, Amy was struggling with discouragement and the idea of not being able to conceive. Being introduced to Pastor Gary’s teaching, she knew that God could provide, no matter what her feelings were. Listen to this impactful testimony as Amy shares her...

  • Todd & Karla Green - God is REAL!

    Episode 8

    Todd and Karla were tired of being in the same boat as everyone else. They were tired of debt, mortgages, and car payments. They knew there had to be a better way, but what was it? That’s when Karla stumbled upon Pastor Gary’s TV show, “Fixing the Money Thing”. Listen to the Greens share their st...

  • Nate Simpson - God Made Me For Something

    Episode 9

    After miraculously walking away from a motorcycle accident, Nate knew God made him for something and stepped away from his drug lifestyle. Searching for God, Nate came to Faith Life Church. His whole life has been transformed through the love of God. Be encouraged to know that God has a plan for ...

  • Brandon & Mandy Eley - The Power of Connection

    Episode 10

    Our backgrounds color the way we view our current circumstances and relationships. Brandon and Mandy share their story of becoming parents and striving to perfect their roles yet missing out on connecting with each other. Listen as Mandy shares the strategy the Holy Spirit gave her to restore the...

  • Sean Henry - You Can Make It

    Episode 11

    Sean was a Marine and then became a police officer in Atlanta. He suffered greatly from PTSD. On the verge of ending his own life, his father called and urged him to watch an online service from Faith Life Church. God used Pastor Gary to encourage Sean that he could make it. Listen as Sean shares...

  • Brad & Charity Sayers - When the Passion Births the Promise

    Episode 12

    Charity was passionate about natural hair products. She loved creating recipes to help people manage their natural hair. Listen to Brad and Charity share how God gave them an idea, they put into practice, and God blessed it!

  • Judy Bickel - "Jesus Came Into My Room"

    Episode 13

    In 2014, Judy was diagnosed with a serious heart condition that was affecting all of her major organs. When Judy had emergency surgery, she was no longer breathing on her own. She spent 30 days in ICU, during that time, she was visited by Jesus. Listen as Judy shares her experience and be encoura...

  • Greg & Stephanie Haber - God Doesn't Make Mistakes

    Episode 14

    When Stephanie gave birth to their son, Ryan, he unexplainably stopped breathing multiple times throughout his first night. Having listened to Pastor Gary teach on healing, they learned to apply the principles of the Kingdom to their lives. They had been praying that their son would be perfectly ...

  • Bill & April Dempsey - God Still Supplies

    Episode 15

    Bill and April own a plumbing business. When it was time to make a pledge for the Journey campaign, Bill wrote down a number that was 7.5x the amount that April was expecting. Nevertheless, April trusted God and her husband. Listen as the couple shares how God enabled them to meet their obligatio...

  • Adam & Connie McVay - Healed, Healthy, and Whole

    Episode 16

    Adam was in a severe car accident. Trapped in the front seat with broken bones and multiple fractures, Adam got out of the car moments before it ignited. They still don’t know how he got out—but God! Listen to Adam and Connie share their story of how God was faithful to His word.

  • Dustin & Kendall Grimes - The Power of Rest

    Episode 17

    Dustin and Kendall felt God leading them to start a business. The startup ended up costing them five times the originally anticipated amount. Right at this time, Pastor Gary started his series on “The Power of Rest.” Listen as Dustin and Kendall share how they followed the principles of the Kingd...

  • Terry & Patti Sullivan - A “Little” IRS Problem

    Episode 18

    Terry and Patti are Faith Life Now Partners. They are living testimonies that when we put the Kingdom principles into practice, they work! Terry and Patti share about their “little” IRS problem equating to $300,000. Listen to how God reduced the amount owed to only $351.

  • Michelle Hanna - Homeless and Helpless to Full of Hope

    Episode 19

    Michelle was addicted to heroin. She lived in a tent for four years begging on the streets to survive. Until one day, a friend invited Michelle to Faith Life. Listen as Michelle tells you how Jesus changed her and is helping her to live the good life.

  • Doug Kirk - There’s an Answer for PTSD

    Episode 20

    Douglas is a Vietnam war veteran. He served our country in Vietnam for six months as a Marine combat engineer. He lost a kidney, half a lung, and almost an arm in the war. Listen to Douglas’ story of God’s healing and redemptive power. As Douglas said, “God is a deliverer. If He set me free, He’l...

  • Dawn Dalton - "Stand up again. Choose Life!"

    Episode 21

    When the pain of loss torments our souls, we look to something to cease our suffering. When Dawn’s newborn daughter, Ashley, passed away after only a couple of months, the grief was overwhelming. Believing a lie that God took her daughter, Dawn turned to drugs and alcohol until that wasn’t enough...

  • Dawn & Rich Dalton - One Million+ in Debt to Financial Freedom

    Episode 22

    When the real estate market crashed, Rich and Dawn found themselves in 1.2 million in debt. At rock bottom, they decided to take Pastor Gary’s course, “Financially Free”. Listen to their miracle story as they followed Kingdom principles to discover joy and financial freedom!

  • Rikki Webber - God Doesn’t Say No to Healing

    Episode 23

    Rikki was diagnosed with fibroid tumors, and the surgeon was recommending a full hysterectomy. Rikki scheduled the surgery, and then read Pastor Amy Freudiger’s book, “Healed Overnight”. Listen to Rikki’s story about how God increased her faith and healed her body!

  • Josh & Janda Koepnick - It's Never Too Late

    Episode 24

    Janda lost her mother to prescription drugs at a young age and before she knew it found herself living through that same battle. Through the grace of God and the persistence of Doctor Jim and her soon to be husband Josh Koepnick, she found her way to Faith Life Church and was set free mind, body,...