Having your bills paid and being out of debt is a great place to be, but life shouldn’t stop there. God wants to take you past that. Why, and how? Don’t miss today’s episode with Gary and Drenda Keesee as they share more about the doorway that gives God the opening to bless you with opportunities, direction, concepts, and ideas that will propel your life financially.
Up Next in Season 14
The Power of Generosity, Part Three
Can God trust you to carry out His assignments? God has plans worth billions, but do you know how to tap into them? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this impactful episode as they discuss God’s plans for you to thrive, how you can hear God’s “big ideas,” and why He wants to empower you to be gener...
Dan Pilla - Skype Call, Part Two
Did you know unemployment compensation gets taxed just like regular income? Fifty billion people in the United States received unemployment compensation in 2020 during the Covid-19 epidemic. Join Gary Keesee and special guest tax expert Dan Pilla as they have a Skype call and discuss the penaltie...
Dan Pilla - Skype Call, Part One
Did you know unemployment compensation gets taxed just like regular income? Fifty billion people in the United States received unemployment compensation in 2020 during the Covid-19 epidemic. Join Gary Keesee and special guest tax expert Dan Pilla as they have a Skype call and discuss unemployment...