Fixing The Money Thing

Fixing The Money Thing

5 Seasons

Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-designed purpose.

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Fixing The Money Thing
  • The Power of Partnership, Part Three

    Episode 110

    Learning how God’s Kingdom operates can be crucial to a radically changed life. Are you ready to change yours? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they talk about this as well as share a heartfelt story of a couple whose lives were turned around after they put the Kingdom laws into practice.

  • The Power of Partnership, Part One

    Episode 108

    Did you know we’re stronger together? Partnership has power! Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they discuss the power of partnership with God, partnership in marriage, and how working together with others will result in you reaping together also!

  • The Power of Partnership, Part Two

    Episode 109

    God has a plan for your life. Are you ready for the journey? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they celebrate partnership by sharing some incredibly powerful stories from partners about financial freedom, God’s promises coming to fruition, and restoration!

  • The Power of Your Words, Part Two

    Episode 107

    Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee provides valuable insight and solutions in the areas of faith, family, and finances. Learn Kingdom principles, gain renewed vision and wisdom for your everyday life, and get the strategies and creative ideas you need to pursue success and walk out your God-...

  • The Power of Your Words, Part One

    Episode 106

    Are you ready to stand with authority? Satan wants to steal, kill, and destroy in your life, but you have the authority! Join Gary Keesee for his message about putting on the armor of God and how to be on alert for deception and fear so you can stand your ground.

  • The Power of Your Words, Part Two

    Episode 105

    Do you know your words have power? Jesus has given you His authority; you just need to use it! Listen as Gary Keesee shares how fear is a lie and how to release your authority so you can walk in freedom.

  • The Power of Your Words, Part One

    Episode 104

    We are living in a day of intense spiritual deception. Now is not the time to be asleep! Join Gary Keesee for the first message in this crucial series about how to say no to fear and use your authority so you can handle warfare.

  • Loyalty: Your Pathway to Promotion, Part Five

    Episode 103

    Are you letting yourself be polluted by the world? Are you letting the culture speak into your life? Are you being deceived? Find out when you join Gary Keesee for this hard-hitting message about what’s happening in our culture. Learn how what you choose to feed on mentally, physically, and spiri...

  • Loyalty: Your Pathway to Promotion, Part Four

    Episode 102

    Do you have a proper view of correction? Do you know how important it is to fulfill the assignment God has for you? Are you allowing the right people to speak into your life? Discover why your answers to these questions are critically important when you join Gary Keesee for this mentorship messag...

  • Loyalty: Your Pathway to Promotion, Part Three

    Episode 101

    You have a destiny that is bigger than you. God leads you on a journey of preparation. What will it look like? Join Gary Keesee for this encouraging message and find out. Discover how you can handle the increased weight of your God-designed assignment.

  • Loyalty: Your Pathway to Promotion, Part Two

    Episode 100

    Are you loyal? How do you know? What does loyalty—or even more importantly, disloyalty—look like? Join Gary Keesee for this important message, and find out if you’ve been caught up in one of the stages of disloyalty. Discover how to respond to people and assignments and to be trusted with the big...

  • Loyalty: Your Pathway To Promotion, Part One

    Episode 99

    Do you want a promotion? Do you want to be in charge of something, or do you want more responsibility and the pay increase that comes with that? Do you believe your purpose in life is to be in leadership? How do you know if you’re ready? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this important episode and ...

  • Success Code Declassified, Part Five

    Episode 98

    Did you know Satan wants to derail your success? Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus brings life! Join Drenda Keesee for the final message in this series about 3 keys to your success, how not to give in to discouragement, and how to be wise to the enemy’s schemes!

  • Success Code Declassified, Part Four

    Episode 97

    How do you handle authority? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this vital message about the 3 keys to your success, the people you’re spending time with, and how to protect your vision.

  • Success Code Declassified, Part Three

    Episode 96

    Did you know God has a code for your success? Join Gary Keesee as he shares 3 keys for your success, how to reset your vision, and how God is preparing you for your destiny!

  • Success Code Declassified, Part Two

    Episode 95

    Who are you following? Did you know there is more to life than survival? Join Gary Keesee as he shares who you should be following so you can get results and fulfill your destiny.

  • Success Code Declassified, Part One

    Episode 94

    Are you looking for the secret to success? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they discuss how your success is found in the Word of God and 3 keys to open up your destiny!

  • Nine Steps To Win In Life, Part Two

    Episode 93

    Did you know that what you feed on you become? Join Gary Keesee for the second part of this vital message as he shares nine steps for you to win in life, how not to buy in to the culture, and changing what you worship so you can live the good life!

  • Nine Steps To Win In Life, Part One

    Episode 92

    Do you want to win in life? Are you ready to take territory? Join Gary Keesee as he shares nine steps to winning in life and how to capture territory so you can occupy your destiny!

  • You Can Be Out of Debt, Part Three

    Episode 91

    Are you ready to change your future? God has answers for you! Join Gary Keesee for part three of this eye-opening series as he shares how to gather the fragments in your life and the key principles you need to know to eliminate debt.

  • You Can Be Out of Debt, Part Two

    Episode 90

    Studies show at least 70% of Americans work at jobs they do not like. Are you one of them? Are you a slave to your debt? There’s a better way to live! Join Gary Keesee for part two of this vital message that will show you how to get started on the path to financial freedom.

  • You Can Be Out of Debt, Part One

    Episode 89

    Do you want to get out of debt? Most people think it’s impossible, but it’s not. It is possible for you to be out of debt, including your mortgage, within five years without changing your budget. Don’t believe it? Join Gary Keesee for part one of this potentially life-changing series as he shows ...

  • Can God Trust You, Part Five

    Episode 88

    Can God trust you with authority? Your destiny requires that you know how to handle authority! Join Gary Keesee as he shares a vital message about submitting to God’s authority so that you can resist the devil and walk in your God-given authority.

  • Can God Trust You, Part Four

    Episode 87

    Do you want to be blessed? Are you someone God can trust with authority? Join Gary Keesee for an important message about your authority in Christ and how you need to submit to authority before you can fulfill your destiny.