The Double-Edged Sword, Part Five
Fixing The Money Thing
If every word you spoke carried the authority of heaven, how would you choose to speak? Tune in to this episode as Gary Keesee continues to dive into the double-edged sword of your words, showing you how to align your speech with God’s authority to change your life for the better.
Up Next in Fixing The Money Thing
The Double-Edged Sword, Part One
Your words hold more power than you think! Join Gary Keesee for this transformative episode as he shows how the words you speak can either unlock God’s promises or give the enemy jurisdiction in your life. Don’t miss this empowering teaching. Discover how to speak with boldness, faith, and Kingdo...
Celebrating Partnership, Part One
What is one of the most important factors to your success? How can you experience personal transformation? Find out when you join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this special message on the impact of partnership! Plus, don’t miss this episode’s encouraging story that will inspire you to keep believing...
A Cry for Justice, Part One
Are you struggling with justice in your life? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this episode where they reveal how you can stand against the enemy’s attempts to steal, kill, and destroy. Together, they show how understanding your legal rights in God’s Kingdom can empower you to enforce justice and ...