Many people don’t know about insurance and how much money can be saved. Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they talk about this vital topic and how it can be a key to help you start saving money in places you’ve never thought of before.
Up Next in Season 15
Where Do I Start?
Getting out of debt may sound impossible, but if you know where to begin, it can actually be possible. Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they talk about learning where and how to start on the road to getting out of debt and what that will look like in the long run.
How to Lose Money, Part Two
The world’s system isn’t designed for you to win. You need to examine the big picture and find out where your money is going, so you can turn your life around and start winning. Join Gary Keesee as he talks more about how you’re losing money and what you can do to prevent it in part two of this s...
How to Lose Money, Part One
A majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Are you part of that majority? How do you break out of that cycle? Grab a pen and paper and join Gary Keesee for part one of this special edition of Fixing the Money Thing as he shares about knowing how you’re losing money and how that will actua...