There are a lot of ways you can choose to travel—by bicycle, by car, by plane—but how are you choosing to travel through life? It’s time to get off the proverbial bicycle and toss your helmet to the side. Join Gary Keesee for this impactful message on 9 Laws of Acceleration and get excited about going to the next level in life!
Up Next in Season 15
Unfinished Business, Part Four
Most people’s lives are already maxed out, they’re living paycheck to paycheck, and trying to keep up with old dreams. You need to start coming up with new ones. How do you do that? Gary Keesee talks more about this topic so you can stop striving and start learning how to live.
Unfinished Business, Part Three
Time is short; you have to finish your God-given assignment. You need to take charge of your destiny. What does that look like? Join Gary Keesee and learn how to charge forward toward what God has for you using what you already have through Christ.
Unfinished Business, Part Two
Many people are living their lives focusing on the wrong assignment. What is your focus? Are you being distracted by the wrong assignment? Join Gary Keesee as he talks about not falling for the decoys the enemy tries to fake you out with and how to identify distractions, so you can start making q...