The Drenda Show
Drenda Keesee has a passion to reach people who find themselves where she once was, lonely and broken, and to help them find answers from God’s Word on how to live differently. Boldly speaking the truth without compromise, she shares truths and insights on many diverse topics. Her obvious passion and love for her viewers and her message of hope will inspire and encourage you to live life with meaning and walk out your God-given potential.
Shark Proof, Part Two
Do you know that the enemy will use people to try to come against you to knock you off your path? But you have the authority to overcome the sharks of this world! Join Drenda Keesee for this inspiring message as she shares how to deal with the hard things (and people) in life so you can move forw...
Swimming With Sharks: Sharkproof Edition
The enemy will use people in your sphere of influence to attack you and try to stop the destiny God has for your life. How can you combat that? Join Drenda Keesee in this special episode pulled from the Drenda Vault, as she helps you learn to be brave, have faith, and confront the opposition in y...
The Mystery of Marriage
Studies show that more than 50% of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. How can we help lower that number, and what can we do to fix the hard relationship situations we face in our everyday lives? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee in this impactful episode as they take a look at marriage from God’s po...
The Mystery of Life, Part One
God wants you to unlock the mystery of marriage so you and your spouse can have passion, excitement, and a vision for your marriage. What are some keys to achieving that? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee in this vital episode as they talk about one of the most important keys in any relationship—commun...
The Mystery of Language
Do most of your conversations with your spouse end in conflict? God intended your marriage to be a blessing! Join Gary and Drenda Keesee as they discuss communication and how to experience a joyful marriage full of problem-solving and enjoying life together.
The Mystery of Life, Part Two
Your marriage shouldn’t be something you dread. God designed marriage to be a blessing and full of life. How do you get there? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee in the second part of this important episode as they talk more in depth about the mystery of marriage, how to successfully lead a joyful and p...
The Returns of the Gods, Part One
Today’s culture is rapidly declining. As believers, how can we prepare for this? Join Drenda Keesee and special guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, New York Times bestselling author, as they discuss the release of his new book, Return of the Gods, and dive deeper into the mystery of today’s culture and ho...
Return of the Gods, Part Two
Confusion plays a big part in today’s culture. Many people don’t know what they should and shouldn’t believe. How can we be the light in a world full of darkness? Join Drenda Keesee and special guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, New York Times bestselling author, as they continue to discuss the release o...
Return of the Gods, Part Three
The culture is in a spiral. Are you sure you know what are facts and what is fiction? What should you believe? Join Drenda Keesee and special guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, New York Times bestselling author, as they continue to discuss the release of his new book, Return of the Gods, and go more into...
Return of the Gods, Part Four
Today’s culture is trying to make a name for itself by using things that have already been done in history. What does that look like, and why should we be educated on this? Join Drenda Keesee and special guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, New York Times bestselling author, as they continue to discuss the...
The Seven Mountains of Influence, Part Two
We are in a battle. The Seven Mountains of Influence—family, church, education, media, arts, health, and government—are all under attack. How can you make sure you’re prepared for this time? Join Drenda Keesee for part two of this unforgettable episode and discover how you can live life on guard ...
The Gift of Prophecy
Many Christians often misunderstand what the gift of prophecy is and what it’s really used for. The gift of prophecy is given to encourage! Join Drenda Keesee for this enlightening episode as she exposes the lies about the gift of prophecy and shares the truth of how God uses it to help us on our...
Occupy and Fight Like Heaven, Part One
In these last days it’s important to know how to fight like heaven, but to do that, we need to understand our authority and how to occupy the territory that God entrusts to us. Join Drenda Keesee for this powerful episode about the importance of understanding these key principles and how to walk ...
Occupy and Fight Like Heaven, Part Two
We are living in an unprecedented time. There are seven Mountains of Influence all around us, and we have got to occupy them and bring them back into the Kingdom of God! Join Drenda Keesee for this key episode as she explains the importance of standing up for the Kingdom of God, realizing your au...
Financial Crisis Update, Part One
Are we headed for the biggest crash since 2008? Is Wall Street bound to crumble? Is this all by design? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee and special guest Jay Plourde, Wall Street banker and stockbroker, for this important episode to find the answers on whether or not the economy is facing a crisis an...
Financial Crisis Update, Part Two
Banks closing and businesses failing have many people fearing an economic crash. Should you be worried? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee and special guest Jay Plourde, Wall Street banker and stockbroker, for today’s episode and the second part of this important message. They will continue to take a de...
Financial Crisis Update, Part three
Since 2020, 80% of all the dollars have been printed. What does that mean for the economy? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this special edition episode as they discuss inflation, why so many banks have been shutting down, and what you can do to ensure that your finances don’t get caught in the wr...
Financial Crisis Update, Part Four
What is going on in our economy? What should you be prepared for? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this episode as they discuss inflation and what we can expect in the economy in the years to come.
The Eleventh Hour: Interview with Robin D. and Robin R. Bullock, Part One
We are living in such a crucial time. The enemy’s agendas are more prominent than ever. How do we live in such a time as this? Join Drenda Keesee and special guests Prophet Robin D. Bullock and his wife, Robin R. Bullock, Pastor of Church International, for this eye-opening episode, featuring con...
The Eleventh Hour: Interview with Robin D. and Robin R. Bullock, Part Two
The time is short, and the world is growing darker. How can we be the light? Join Drenda Keesee and special guests Prophet Robin D. Bullock and his wife, Robin R., Pastor of Church International, for this inspiring episode featuring content from Drenda on Guard. In this episode, they go deeper in...